What’s new at the Centre for Applied Bioscience Research!

Welcome Justin Hayes

The the Centre for Applied Bioscience Research Centre Manager, Doctor Tim Yeomens welcomes Justin Hayes to Shannon Applied Biotechnology Centre. Justin Hayes joins the research centre as a postgraduate researcher. 

Justin Hayes graduated from MTU Kerry in 2021 with a first-class honors BSc degree in Veterinary Bioscience. During this degree, he learned many valuable animal health and disease diagnostic tools as well as completed his final year project on the effects of bioreactor stresses on insect cells used in biopharmaceutical production under Dr. Joanna Tierney. He was also part of the first MTU iGEM team in 2021 where their project designed both engineered bacteria and deployment devices to bioremediate soil on Mars. Justin completed an MSc in Molecular Cell Biology with Bioinnovation at University College Cork where his research involved identifying affimer reagent proteins that bind to non-muscle actinins for use in super-resolution microscopy.

In early 2022, Justin was approved for Irish Research Council Ph.D. funding and will complete this research here in the Centre for Applied Bioscience Research and MTU Kerry. His project involves improving current diagnostic techniques and novel vaccine developments for a serious animal health and welfare issue currently seen globally. This Ph.D. research is being supervised by Dr. Gearoid Sayers of MTU Kerry.

Justin’s research interests and experience align with UN SDG 3 and 15 (Good Health and Well-Being; and Life On Land).

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