How CABR Helped PBC Biovet Validate Copper Hawk for Veterinary Wound Healing? (Case Study)

The Company

PBC BioVET, a subsidiary of PBC Biomed, developed Copper Hawk, an herbal treatment for wound healing using Pau D’Arco, Yarrow, Gotu Kola, Figwort, and Plantain. The efficacy of Copper Hawk has already been demonstrated in horses and dogs.

The Problem

PBC BioVET sought to further validate the product by testing its effects in in-vitro models. This would provide additional insights into the anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties of the herbal formula using macrophage and keratinocyte cells, simulating conditions of wound healing.

Solution through the Centre for Applied Bioscience Research

CABR tested the herbal extracts on macrophage and keratinocyte cells, simulating inflammatory wound conditions. The extracts, both individually and combined, significantly reduced inflammation (IL-8) and enhanced phagocytosis in vitro. In clinical trials, the herbal combination accelerated wound healing in horses with chronic injuries, showing a reduction in wound size and promoting tissue regeneration. Case studies demonstrated successful wound closure and infection management across equine subjects. A publication on this work has been submitted to a veterinary medicine journal.


We at PBC Biomed would like to express our sincere appreciation to CABR for their exceptional support and collaboration. We were confident in our product’s potential, and CABR’s expertise helped us provide the scientific evidence needed to support its effectiveness. Their contributions to our cell studies have further strengthened the credibility of our product’s science. CABR is particularly valuable for companies seeking specialised testing support, offering access to state-of-the-art equipment and expertise. Their resources and collaboration have been key to validating and advancing our research. CABR has been a professional and reliable partner throughout our collaboration. We look forward to future opportunities to work together and highly recommend their services to others.